St. Louis Newborn Lifestyle | Welcome Home Julia

It’s hard to imagine what life will be like with children, then you have one and think “this is hard, but I love it so much”. Then, you have a second one, call your mom to thank her and immediately laugh at how hard you thought you had it before (Speaking from personal experience). When you step away from the sleepless nights, tantruming toddlers (just mine? oh ok..), an unkept house and pb&j again for dinner, you realize that this is actually the recipe for life happiness. My girls are super close in age and although we’ve lived through this very description, we’re already seeing the benefits of these two being BFFs.

Julia was born already having a built-in best friend, a family that has the experience of an older sister and a loud, exciting house that will make her smile all day long. I am so happy for Kaitlin , Joey and their two beautiful and perfect rainbow baby girls. This wild ride is so exhausting, but so incredibly beautiful. xoxo